

和歌山距離大阪市只需1個多小時火車路程,賞櫻可以即日來回,交通十分方便。關西賞櫻地方很多,京都、奈良最著名,亦最多遊客,拍照真的不容易。而和歌山亦有幾個櫻花大景點,和歌山城是其中之一,從JR站有巴士直達。周末賞櫻要避開最擠迫的大景點,來和歌山玩是一個好選擇,山城公園內種有 600 棵櫻花樹,有草地、城堡、護城河、天守閣,櫻花盛開時同樣美麗。

Wakayama Castle 和歌山城
The main entrance of Wakayama Castle: Otemon Gate and Ichinohashi Bridge.
Wakayama Castle 和歌山城
Honmaru Plance is the main lawn area where there are many cherry trees.
Wakayama Castle 和歌山城
It’s nice to arrive early before people spread their big blue canvases to picnic under the cherry trees.
Wakayama Castle 和歌山城
It’s a beautiful area with nice shades of cherry trees.
Wakayama Castle 和歌山城
Wakayama Castle is locating at the top of the hill. Be prepared for a little hike.
Wakayama Castle 和歌山城
Once you get to the top, climb further up to get this perfect view of Wakayama Castle with blue sky background in spring.
Wakayama Castle 和歌山城
The entrance fee to the castle tower is ¥410. There are usually some displays of historical artifacts and offer an open view of the city from the top.
Wakayama Castle 和歌山城
There are displays of historical artifacts in the main tower and the connecting buildings. Photography are forbidden for many rooms and major artifacts.
Wakayama Castle 和歌山城
The panoramic view from the top of the main tower is very nice: a coastline, the city view from all angles, full bloom cherry trees and the traditional roof of the castle tower.
Wakayama Castle 和歌山城
The buildings in Wakayama Castle look new because it is a reconstruction. The original castle was burned to the ground in 1945. This castle tower was rebuilt in 1958, but the inner moat and the stone walls surrounding the castles remained unchanged in the past 400 years.
Wakayama Castle 和歌山城
Just like any other parks, there are food kiosks selling snacks during cherry blossoms.
Wakayama Castle 和歌山城
On a sunny day, it’s a nice idea to get a boat ride along the moat to view the full bloom of cherry blossom. Will give it a try next time when I have more time.

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