
2016 賞櫻之旅開始

迎接春天最佳旅遊主題是「賞櫻」,Travelmomo 再次出發日本賞花。這次會到大阪、奈良、京都、富山、長野一些又漂亮又不太人多的賞櫻地方旅遊,希望可以拍到一些好照片與大家分享。


Cherry blossom in Japan 日本賞櫻
On a good day, everyone goes out to the parks, castles and country side where the cherry trees are. It gets very crowded at the weekends.
Cherry blossom in Japan 日本賞櫻
Some times the weather is not so great, cloudy, you may still go as planned even though it’s not ideal for taking photos.
Cherry blossom in Japan 日本賞櫻
If it rains, I would recommend that you change your plan to go shopping. That’s what it looks like. All flowers will be gone after the rain but it still looks nice in this photo.
假如下雨,就建議改行程去 shopping 或參觀美術館之類的室內活動。這條街有櫻花樹,下雨花瓣滿地,蠻漂亮的,但第二天可能就沒有櫻花了。

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