
Kaga Special: Crab Meal + Traditional Pottery

Kutani ware is one of the traditional Japanese potteries with over 350 years of history. Kutani is the name of the village where porcelain raw mineral was discovered, now part of Kaga, Ishikawa Japan. After the discovery, the first lord of Kaga spearheaded the production of porcelain by learning from China and building kilns in the 17th century.

There are several styles of Kutani ware but the main features are the vivid color: bluish-green and the “5 colours”, using green, yellow, red, purple and navy. Kuntani ware was designated a traditional craft in 1975 and now available in Kanazawa, Komatsu, Kaga and Nomi-shi.

Kutani Mangetsu 九谷滿月
This is the raw mineral which has to be broken down, grind, filtered to turn into clay.
Kutani ware 九谷燒
One of the interesting steps is to create a basic outline using cobalt(II) oxide after it was fired with a translucent overglaze.
Kutani ware 九谷燒
The classical 5-color style of Kutani ware produced 350 years ago.
Kutani ware 九谷燒

These were other styles produced in 165 to 170 years ago.
Yasokichi Tokuda III 德田八十吉 三代
One of the famous Kutani masters was Yasokichi Tokuda (1933-2009), the third generation of a Kutaniware pottery family. In 1997, Tokuda was recognized by the Japanese government as a Preserver of Important Intangible Cultural Properties (now more commonly known as a Living National Treasure) for his pioneering technique of firing glazes at a high temperature to create brilliant gradations of colors. His strong abstract bluish green style porcelains costs several hundred thousand yen to over a million at the moment and the value is on the rise. Great for collectors.
九谷燒陶瓷藝術家以德田八十吉 三代最著名。1997年被認定為日本重要無形文化財彩釉瓷器保持者(即人間國寶)的最高稱號。他的抽象鮮豔的彩藍和綠色的九谷燒價錢由幾十萬日圓至過百萬都有,而且價值一直上升,極具收藏價值。
Yasokichi Tokuda  IV 德田八十吉 四代
As he did not have a son, the daughter (b.1961) took on as a successor and became the 4th generation of Yasokichi Tokuda. Her works are bold and vibrant.
德田八十吉 三代沒有兒子,他的女兒繼承父業成為德田八十吉 四代,是第一位女性成為當家,她的作品也非常出眾。
Minori Yoshita's porcelain 吉田美統作品
Another prominent artist Minori Yoshita specialises in creating elegant Kutani porcelain with gold leaf. His unique technique has earned him the Medal of Purple Ribbon and the title of Living National Treasure.
Kutani ware DIY 九谷燒體驗
The most simple DIY experience is to just paint on the ready-made white porcelain. A small beckon cat costs ¥2,160 which includes the painting and firing fee.
最簡單的陶瓷體驗是上色,買個小招財貓繪畫圖案連燒窯費用為 ¥2,160。
Kutani ware 九谷燒
The more advanced DIY experience is to make your own pot from clay which will take several visits to complete and not quite feasible for tourists.
Kutani Mangetsu 九谷滿月
If you don’t have the time and feel like buying ready made items, there are plenty of choices in the shop.
Kutani Mangetsu 九谷滿月
The restaurant is on 2F. This lunch set of crab pot rice and tempura costs ¥1,200. Other choices of fish, vegetables and shrimps are available. It is suggested that you book in advance otherwise you may have to wait 20-30 minutes for the cooking.
Kutani Mangetsu 九谷滿月
Address: 95-2, Nakadaimachi, Kaga city, Ishikawa
Open hours: 10:00 to 17:00
營業時間:10:00 – 17:00

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